Hi lovelies! My consistency went down the drain on my writing platform which is my blog. I have been re-evaluating what I want to bring you guys in my writing platform. I'll be truly honest I have been so down and usually want to quit on creating content. I take a lot of time to scout locations, hire a professional photographer, get my outfits prepared, and sometimes I feel like it's for nothing. I recently sat down with two of my favorite bloggers before our last show for NYFW (yes, I get invited every season), and they expressed their frustration on the same situation I have been going through. Even though my numbers on social media aren't close to 10K, I have been in this influential/blogging community for so long. Yes, I took a hiatus for close to a year, but unlike a lot of girls doing this, I have a full time job and I'm also a mom. I have so many ideas in my head, but unfortunately there isn't enough hours in the day for me to let my creativity happen, until now.
Throughout all this uncertainty about continuing my brand, showcasing my style with my life experiences, I have found out I'm not alone in this. Having my husband's support and his constant ideas thrown at me on how we can make Abstractsmile a bigger brand excites me to continue to do this. We are exploring the idea to completely switch my site to a more professional one, to actually make a home office (so goodbye clutter!) & shoot videos from mommyhood to style to Q&A's, and find what other social media platforms I can use for better engagement.
So this year I have decided to not allow anyone to belittle my brand, compare myself to anyone (hey we are all human and it can happen), and allow anyone make me feel uncomfortable. I'm here for all the positivity, so from now on if I see or feel something isn't right I will speak upon it. One last thing I do have to say, if you embark on this journey, make sure to surround yourself with like minded minds. I can truly say I have met so many amazing hardworking gals who continue to push me to do this, because I truly enjoy it, and I get so much inspiration from as well.
I'll leave you with this: I'm here to provide you with uplifting words to be the best YOU, to let you know that it's OK to be different, and if you have a DREAM, GO FOR IT!
xoxo, Abstractsmile
All pictures were taken by Leslie Moncada.
Dress: H&M
Heels:Nine West (bought from (TJMaxx)